Cost of living expenses not based on Social Security beneficiaries

Nov 18, 2010 | Social Security, Social Security Benefits

Expert SSD Lawyers at Newlin Disability


If you’re the beneficiary of Social Security benefits, you’re probably not happy that there won’t be an increase in Social Security benefits, according to a blog on The New York Times.

The federal government claims there has not been a rise in the cost of living expenses; however, that number isn’t based on the living expenses of Social Security beneficiaries. It is based on those who still work.

Do you think it’s fair that Social Security benefits will not be increased? What do you think should be done to protect those who receive Social Security benefits?

If you need help getting the Social Security benefits you deserve to get your life back on track, the Social Security lawyers at Newlin Disability can help.

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If you’re navigating the complexities of Social Security disability claims, Newlin Disability is here to provide expert guidance and support. Reach out to our experienced team today, and let us help you understand your options, streamline the application process, and maximize your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.

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