Indiana Receives $78 Million To Improve Long-Term Disability Services

Sep 5, 2012 | Social Security

Expert SSD Lawyers at Newlin Disability


Individuals living with an Indiana long term disability now have hope for a better future thanks to a grant that will be used to keep them living in their communities rather than nursing homes. According to an article that was released by 10 TV News, the State of Indiana will receive approximately $78 million to implement the new program.

The goal of the program is to empower those with long-term disabilities by offering easy and affordable access to quality care.

The grant was issued on Tuesday by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, and was funded under new federal law. Indiana was eligible for the grant because less than half of the state’s long-term care budget goes towards home and community-based services.

Indiana could also be eligible for more funding through an increase in matching of Medicaid funds since the state has committed to offering more of these services.

The funds will be used to increase access and implement improvements to the existing services that are available, such as home delivered meals and transportation. The grant will also create a plethora of new services allowing for better case management and planning while keeping costs manageable.

The Indiana Disability Lawyers with Newlin Disability hope that the program is successful in offering those citizens who suffer from long-term disabilities with the tools to live a healthy life within the community they love.

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