Social Security Disability Lawyers Discuss Benefits For Hearing Impairments

Nov 13, 2013 | Social Security Disability Insurance

Expert SSD Lawyers at Newlin Disability


Humans depend on our five senses to interpret and interact with our surroundings. That is why losing one of these senses, such as hearing, can leave an individual significantly disabled and unable to perform specific duties they were once capable of. Help is available to those who suffer a Hearing Impairment Disability through the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Individuals who are deaf or have a severe hearing impairment must meet specific criteria to be considered eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits or Supplemental Security Income. An SSA press release explains this criterion, which includes providing evidence of the impairment through an otologic examination and audiometric testing conducted in the past two months. These examinations must be performed by a licensed medical physician or specialist, and medical records supplied by these individuals should accompany the application for benefits.

If the individual applying for benefits uses a permanent hearing assistance device, such as a cochlear implant, special testing procedures can be performed to determine the level of the claimant’s disability.

The Social Security Disability Benefits Lawyers with the law firm of Newlin Disability are aware of how complex the process of applying for federal disability assistance can be. That is why the firm urges anyone who is considering applying for such benefits to discuss their legal options with a reputable attorney first.

Free Case Evaluation

If you’re navigating the complexities of Social Security disability claims, Newlin Disability is here to provide expert guidance and support. Reach out to our experienced team today, and let us help you understand your options, streamline the application process, and maximize your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.

Newlin Disability