If you’ve ever attempted to apply for Social Security Disability benefits, you know how daunting the task can be. The wait time for a decision in your case can be lengthy and the likelihood of your claim not being approved is high. In fact, more than 60 percent of initial claims are denied.
Receiving a Social Security Disability denial coupled with these long waits leaves many disabled workers wondering what their choices are. Our team at Newlin Disability explains that you can accept the denial or enter the Social Security Disability appeals process, which allows for your case to be heard by a judge, rather than examined by a Social Security Disability claims processor.
The ability to get your claim approved on appeals may be affected, in part, by what part of the country you’re from and which judge is hearing your case. An article from MY FOX Atlanta News explains some judges tend to approve denials at a higher rate than others.
The location of where the claim is filed may also have an effect on the outcome of a case. For example, two-thirds of Georgia’s Social Security Disability appeals are denied—a much higher rate of denial than in other states throughout our country.
The best way for you to determine what options may work best for you is to discuss your case with a qualified Social Security Disability lawyer. Doing so will help to ensure all of your questions are answered and you have the information necessary to make an informed decision about your case.