3 Tips for Streamlining the Social Security Disability Approval Process

Mar 12, 2014 | Social Security Disability Insurance

Expert SSD Lawyers at Newlin Disability


Millions of Americans depend on Social Security Disability benefits, but the process of filing a claim can prove to be an arduous task. The Social Security Disability Lawyers with Newlin Disability explain there are several steps you can take to make the process easier. They include:

  • Filing Online- Several years ago, the Social Security Administration (SSA) began moving their processes to a paperless format. This means you can apply for benefits from the comfort of your home, as opposed to the old process of having to file at your local SSA office.
  • Prepare All Documentation- The SSA will need to examine both your work and medical history in order to determine if you qualify for benefits. If all the needed information is not included in the claim, it will likely be denied. That is why it is so important to include all medical files, doctor’s notes, and tax forms when applying for benefits.
  • Speak With An Attorney- A qualified and reputable attorney will be able to answer any questions you have from the application process to after you have received a Social Security Disability Approval.

The team of attorneys with Newlin Disability hope these tips help you through the process of trying to receive Social Security Disability benefits.

Free Case Evaluation

If you’re navigating the complexities of Social Security disability claims, Newlin Disability is here to provide expert guidance and support. Reach out to our experienced team today, and let us help you understand your options, streamline the application process, and maximize your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.