Many disabled individuals believe that once they receive a Social Security Disability Approval, many of their problems will be solved. However, a recent report told the story of a man who has been accused of being a convicted felon by the Social Security Administration (SSA), resulting in his benefit payments being withheld.
According to an article published by The Sun Sentinel, the 57-year-old man from Florida is a diabetic who is unable to work and is dependent on the $1,600 per month he receives in Social Security Disability benefits. Last August, though, he received a letter from the SSA saying his benefits would cease due to a conviction of a felony crime.
The victim resolved the issue and was accused again the following December. This time, though, the problem could not be resolved before a payment was missed, leaving the victim with no source of income due to a mistaken identity.
Furthermore, when the problem was taken to an SSA employee, the victim was told it was not the agency’s issue to resolve.
The Social Security Disability Lawyers with Newlin Disability are aware of the numerous problems that can arise with a Social Security disability claim and say situations like these show why having a qualified attorney by your side is so important.