Federal lawmakers have the ability to change the regulations that govern the policies and procedures of the Social Security Disability benefits program and one such reform that was recently made could affect the amount some beneficiaries who are approaching retirement age receive.
Investment News reports that a change was made to the Social Security Program Operations Manual System this past December that rephrases the policies regarding the withdraw of disability benefits prior to them rolling into retirement benefits.
The article states that some disability recipients choose to withdraw their disability benefits prior to them being rolled into retirement benefits of the same amount strictly due to age. Doing this can allow the individual to collect spousal or survival benefits while their retirement benefits grow and mature.
Lawmakers decided to close this loophole though, by rewriting policies to state that applying for a withdrawal of disability benefits is considered a withdrawal from all benefits. The change would also require anyone making such a withdrawal to repay the benefits they have received.
The Social Security Administration stated the update to the wording of the policy was strictly made as an effort to adhere to current policies regarding the amount in benefits one can receive.
At Newlin Disability, we recognize how complex the laws surrounding Social Security Disability benefits are. Our team is here to help clarify any of the law’s nuances that you may find yourself questioning. Feel free to give us a call anytime to discuss your questions.