Does Arthritis Qualify An Individual For Social Security Disability Benefits?

May 22, 2013 | Social Security Disability Insurance, Social Security Benefits

Expert SSD Lawyers at Newlin Disability


When a person suffers from a condition or injury that leaves them facing the inability to work for more than a year, they may qualify to receive Social Security Disability Benefits. Many citizens wonder which particular conditions or injuries qualify for such assistance though. You may be asking, “what are the chances of getting disability for arthritis?”

Data indicates that trends in claims tend to show that one of the most common conditions being addressed today is pain from arthritis. The Social Security Administration lists the condition as an autoimmune disorder, because the condition is caused by a lack of antibodies that can battle inflammation of the joints.

In order for an individual to file a claim for Social Security Disability Benefits due to inflammatory arthritis, the patient must have a “persistent deformity” of one or more weight bearing joints that allows the patient to move. Approval is also given for patients who suffer such a condition in one or more joints in the upper body that prevents the patient from effectively performing fine motor movements.

If a patient has two or more body or organ systems that are at least moderately unable to function due to inflammation or suffer certain other conditions as a result of their arthritis, an award may be given as well.

Tips for Preparing a Strong Disability Application

The fundamental step in this process is to understand the requirements and intricacies of disability applications for arthritis. Start by familiarizing yourself with the official criteria set by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Ensure you can precisely articulate how your arthritis hinders your daily work activities. This could involve detailing the types and frequency of pain you experience, the limitations on your ability to stand, walk, or lift, and any other relevant impacts on your physical or mental health.

Gathering strong medical evidence is key. Your application should include detailed reports from your treating physician, including the type and severity of your arthritis, the methods of treatment, and your expected prognosis. Supporting evidence could also come in the form of testimonials from coworkers or family members who have observed the decline in your work capacity due to arthritis.

Common Mistakes to Avoid to Help Chances of Getting Disability for Arthritis

Many applicants fall short of success by making common mistakes. One of these is failing to provide a complete medical history. Be meticulous in listing all healthcare professionals you’ve seen concerning your arthritis, and ensure that your file includes all relevant tests, treatments, and medications. Additionally, some applicants fail to submit their application on time, missing out on crucial benefits. To avoid this, understand the deadlines and ensure to start the process early.

Clearly and accurately communicating the details of your job requirements can also be problematic. SSA will compare your ability to work nowadays with your job’s historic demands. Therefore, it’s important to break down the specifics of your role and how your arthritis impacts these duties.

The Importance of Medical Evidence in Supporting Your Claim

Medical evidence is the backbone of your disability case. The SSA will assess your application based on the documentation provided by your healthcare providers. Without substantial medical records, your application could be easily denied.

To bolster your medical evidence, maintain regular doctor’s visits and request detailed reports that explicitly connect your arthritis to your inability to work. Remember to document any changes in your symptoms, as these will strengthen your case by showing the progression of your condition.

By being thorough in your application, avoiding common pitfalls, and ensuring you have extensive medical documentation, you can significantly enhance your chances of securing disability for arthritis. It’s an involved process, but the support and benefits it can ultimately provide are invaluable for your well-being and peace of mind.

Social Security Disability Experts at Newlin

The Social Security Disability Lawyers with Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos, and Newlin acknowledge how complicated the process of approval for disability benefits can be. The firm suggests discussing your legal rights with an attorney before beginning the application process for such benefits.

Free Case Evaluation

If you’re navigating the complexities of Social Security disability claims, Newlin Disability is here to provide expert guidance and support. Reach out to our experienced team today, and let us help you understand your options, streamline the application process, and maximize your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.