Changes in the way companies conduct business have come in Indiana after Governor Mitch Daniels signed into law the Right-To-Work Bill. An article released by Businessweek stated that the new law prohibits labor contracts that require workers to pay union representation fees.
Supporters of the law say that the move will create a pro-business climate in the area that will bring new companies, and therefore new jobs, to the state.
Opponents of the law disagree with this statement saying that there is no evidence to prove that right-to-work laws actually create jobs.
The law can also create an unfair work environment if you consider that it creates a free-rider problem where employees can reap the benefits of working at a unionized company without paying dues.
Opponents add that prohibiting the contracts will actually take away any protection to rights that unions can provide to workers. Now, if a worker is injured, they will face the battle of collecting workers’ compensation or disability benefits on their own, rather than having the backing of a union.
The Indiana Social Security Disability and workers’ compensation attorneys with Newlin Disability are here to help you if you have been seriously injured while on the job and are having trouble getting the compensation you need in order to cover your expenses such as medical bills and property damages. Contact an experienced attorney today.