A new Harris Poll shows 40 percent of people think we should work longer before drawing Social Security benefits, reports United Press International.
The poll surveyed 3,171 U.S. adults about issues regarding Social Security. The majority of people did not think Social Security benefits should be reduced. Only 11 percent of those surveyed agreed that Social Security benefits should decrease.
Over a quarter of respondents believe that taxes should be raised to pay for Social Security benefits. The most popular idea, with 40 percent agreeing, is people should work longer before drawing Social Security. On the same note, 37 percent of respondents believe the Social Security age should be raised.
What do you believe will work best to help Social Security? Do you think people should work longer or should we raise taxes to support Social Security?
If you think you may qualify for Social Security Disability, the Social Security Disability lawyers at Newlin Disability can help you.